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Owners' Association
Owners' Association
Some Vesteda buildings comprise rented accommodation as well as owner-occupied properties. As these buildings have multiple owners, it will have an Owners’ Association. The members of the Owners’ Association decide jointly about the maintenance, the management, and the house rules of the building.
Frequently asked questions
What is an Owners’ Association?
Vesteda sells apartments in certain complexes. In these situations, Vesteda is not the only owner in the building. A complex that comprises tenants and home-owners is also called a ‘mixed complex’.
As soon as a building has multiple owners, an Owners’ Association has to be set up. Each owner automatically becomes a member of the Owners’ Association. All apartment owners are jointly responsible for the maintenance and management of the communal areas in the building.
An Owners’ Association is entitled to set house rules. These rules apply to all the tenants and owners in a single residential building. These include rules regarding pets, or how to deal with household waste. While it is not compulsory to set house rules, they are a practical way of ensuring that everybody abides by the same rules.
If you are a Vesteda tenant and if you have any further questions about maintenance, or if you would like to submit a repair request for the communal space, please do so via My Vesteda. We will pass on the request to the maintenance services of the Owners’ Association.
Does my rented property form part of a complex with an Owners’ Association?
We will let you know if your property forms part of a complex with an Owners’ Association. This could be when you start renting a property or if you are already renting a property and Vesteda decides to sell apartments in the building at a later time.
What does an Owners’ Association do?
The Owners’ Association represents the joint interests of all owners of the building and is responsible for its maintenance and management.
The association maintains the communal areas of the building (roof, façades, staircases) and the shared facilities (rising mains, plumbing, lifts). It is also responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the communal areas, such as the staircases and the garden.
To ensure that all residents in the complex abide by the same rules, the Owners’ Association may decide to lay down these rules in internal regulations.
As a tenant, do I pay for an Owners’ Association?
No, as a tenant, you do not pay for an Owners’ Association. Vesteda pays the monthly service contribution to the Owners’ Association. The normal service costs that you pay as a tenant remain unchanged. As a tenant, you only pay for costs such as cleaning, garden maintenance, and the electricity for communal areas as included in your rental agreement. These costs are based on the costs of the Owners’ Association.
The owners can propose making changes to the service costs. These changes can affect the amount of the service costs. Should this lead to a change in the service cost package, then you, as tenant, have the same legal position as a tenant living in a complex that is rented out.
What are internal regulations?
Internal regulations are the house rules that apply to all residents – both tenants and home-owners – in a residential building. These include rules regarding pets, or where and when to put out household waste.
While it is not compulsory for an Owners’ Association to set internal regulations, they are a practical way to ensure that all residents in a complex abide by the same rules.
As a tenant, do I also have to comply with the internal regulations of the Owners’ Association?
Yes, the internal regulations have been drawn up and are intended for all residents of a complex that has an Owners’ Association. It therefore applies to you as a Vesteda tenant.
If the Owners’ Association has drawn up internal regulations, Vesteda will inform you of this. Vesteda will ensure that these rules correspond as closely as possible to Vesteda’s general terms and conditions.
I have difficulties with my neighbours who own their property. What can I do?
If your neighbours are causing a nuisance, you will first need to discuss this with your neighbours. This applies to all residents, both tenants and home-owners. A good talk is usually the best solution. If you are unable to resolve the issue together, please contact a neighbourhood mediation authority in your area.
You’ll find more information in the brochure ‘Vesteda guide to renting’, which can be found in My Vesteda. If you are still unable to resolve the issue, please report this by logging into My Vesteda. Vesteda can subsequently decide to discuss the nuisance with the Owners’ Association. Conversely, home-owners who are having difficulties with tenants can also discuss this with the Owners’ Association.
Why does it sometimes take longer to process repair requests for communal areas?
Vesteda passes on repair requests for communal areas or for the outside of the complex to the Owners’ Association. The assignment is carried out in consultation with the association. In some cases, this may cause a delay.
Who can I contact if I have questions or repair requests concerning communal areas?
As a tenant, can I have my say within an Owners’ Association?
As a tenant, you cannot take part in the annual general members’ meeting of the Owners’ Association. Vesteda represents your interests during this meeting.
If there is a Tenants’ Association active within your complex, a delegation from this association may attend the general members’ meeting of the Owners’ Association as observers, in consultation with Vesteda. Vesteda can also have a number of items placed on the agenda at the request of the Tenants’ Association.
I would like to make changes to the outside of my rental property. How do I arrange this?
There is a difference between making changes to parts of your own home and to communal areas of the building. The outside of your rental property often forms part of the communal areas.
If your request concerns a communal area of the building, Vesteda will submit your request to the Owners’ Association. As soon as the association has made a decision about your request, Vesteda will let you know.