Priority leaving social housing
Priority leaving social housing
Vesteda rents a number of homes with priority to people who leave a social rental home. The municipality determines these priority rules. Therefore, check the conditions on the website of the municipality in which you want to live or use the search filter on this website, suitable for: priority leaving social rented accommodation.
Did you know that we also give priority to existing tenants?
Residents speaking
Frequently asked questions
What are the conditions for renting a home within the mid-market rental segment in the municipality I (want to) live?
There are varying conditions per municipality regarding income conditions and maximum rent range in the middle rental segment.
As of 1 January 2025, the liberalisation limit was raised to €900.07 and at least 144 WWS points.
You cannot get a rent allowance for a middle-rent property and the municipality may impose additional conditions, e.g. for keyworkers, people moving on from social rent, etc.
For questions about mid-tenancy, please refer to the government's website: Volkshuisvestingnederland.
How exactly does internal relocation work, given that current tenants get priority? Do they have to go through the same process through HurenbijVesteda?
You create an account and respond to the properties you want to view. When you register, you indicate that you are a Vesteda tenant. Vesteda will then review your application for renting with priority.