Terms and conditions of the tenancy agreement
We would like to receive the following details (note: please send requested documentation as separate PDF-files. It is only possible for your profile to be reviewed when all requested PDF-files have been received in good order.)
A copy of your passport/ID card (make a safe copy by crossing out your citizen service number (BSN) Tip: download the KopieID-app of the Rijksoverheid from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
If you are an employee with a permanent contract:
- a statement from your employer*
- copy of 3 recent pay slips
- copy of most recent bank statement with salary deposit
- if applicable; a copy of a maintenance payment statement
- copy of bank card
If you are an independent entrepreneur:
- a recent copy of registration with the Chamber of Commerce trade register (max. 3 months old)
- a copy of the company balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, approved by a registered account, from the last 2 years
- a final income tax return of the past 2 years (available via Tax Office)
- copy of bank card
Additional income:
- Alimony: copy of divorce convenant
- Savings: copy bank statement
- copy of bank card
*Due to verification, we only accept an employer's statement with a permanent phone number.
If you are retired /a pensioner:
- a copy of a recent AOW (Dutch old-aged pension) income slip
- a copy of a recent payment slip
- copy of most recent bank statement with pension deposit
- if applicable: a copy of a maintenance payment statement
- copy of bank card
If you are an employee with a temporary/fixed date contract:
- copy of 3 recent pay slips
- copy of most recent bank statement with salary deposit (showing your name and bank account number)
- a statement of your employer (not older than 3 months)*
- copy of bank card
Other terms and conditons
1. Vesteda will charge a once-only contract fee of € 113,74 (including VAT) at the start of the contract period.
2. The minimum letting period is one year.
3. The minimum age for renting a house is 18 years.
4. Part of your registration is an obligatory credit check by Vesteda. During the credit check, matters such as any negative payment activity in recent years will be looked into. The results will be included in the evaluation of relevant financial risk factors.
5. Depending on the situation and in case of any variables it may occur that Vesteda will request additional documentation or information to the documentation requested.
6. Registrations that are not completed will not be processed.
7. Rental applications may be refused at any time without giving reasons.
8. The rental contract must be signed and the first rental invoice must be paid before receiving your key.
When signing a rental agreement, Vesteda requires a standard deposit of one month. For independent entrepreneurs the standard deposit is 2 months. For tenants with a foreign address and tenants who have been living in the Netherlands for less than two years and have a residence permit, the standard deposit is 2 months, because performing a credit check, which is part of our terms and conditions, is then not possible.
In this diagram you can find the size of the deposit in different cases:
Deposit | Standard 1 month rent |
Independent entrepreneurs | Standard 2 months rent |
Foreign residence | Standard 2 months rent |
You have lived in the Netherlands for less than 2 years and you have a residence permit | Standard 2 months rent |
Vesteda may decide to deviate from the standard based on your situation and the submitted documents.
Income standard
Vesteda applies the following income standard:
Which rental price suits your income?
- For rents up to € 1000:
The maximum rent is the (joint) gross monthly income, divided by 4 for 1 tenant or divided by 4.5 for 2 tenants. - For rents from € 1000: The maximum rent is the (joint) gross monthly income, divided by 3.5 for 1 tenant or divided by 4 for 2 tenants.
Monthly rent | Number of tenants | Gross monthly income |
€700 - €1,000 | 1 | 4 x the monthly rent |
€700 - €1,000 | 2 | 4.5 x the monthly rent |
more than €1,000 | 1 | 3.5 x the montly rent |
more than €1,000 | 2 | 4 x the monthly rent |
If you're in salaried employment
Your monthly salary is your gross salary excluding holiday pay and bonuses. In some cases, variable allowances, such as irregular hours allowance or danger exposure surchargey, may be included in the calculation of your income. This will be assessed by Vesteda. The remaining term of your employment contract must be guaranteed for at least six months, with an intention to continue thereafter. The gross salary must be based on fixed working hours that are set out in an employment contract.
We may contact your employer to check your employer’s statement. If necessary, the employer’s statement may be sent to your employer for verification purposes.
If you're a sole trader/self-employed
Divide your average net pre-tax annual profits over the last two years by 24 to derive your gross monthly income. Self-employed persons will normally have to provide a security deposit equivalent to three months' rent.
If you're retired
Take your available monthly income from your state pension and other pensions and add 30%. This amount will be your qualifying income for the tenancy.
If you have any extra sources of income
If you have savings, then you may add 10% of the savings divided by twelve to your gross monthly income. If you receive spousal maintenance, you can add this to your gross monthly income. Child alimony may not be added to your gross monthly income.
If you're renting with a partner
If you can demonstrate long-term cohabitation with your partner, you can rent as a couple. This means you can combine both your incomes for the purposes of calculating your maximum rent. House-sharing is only permitted in complexes specifically designated for this purpose.
We do not rent housing to students or tenants sponsored by third parties.