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Debt investors
Funding profile
Over the last years, Vesteda has significantly transformed its funding profile to a well-diversified fully unsecured funding structure, consisting of a combination of bank debt, private placements and public bonds.
Standard & Poor's rating
The unsecured debt profile allows Vesteda to secure debt funding through various debt markets at any point in time.
In April 2024 Vesteda's credit rating by Standard & Poor's was reconfirmed at “A-“ with a stable outlook. In August 2024 Standard & Poor's published an update on Vesteda.
Financing strategy
Our financing strategy is substantiated by seven funding targets:
- Leverage of ≤ 30%
- Total fixed-rate and hedged floating rate exposure of ≥ 70%
- Weighted average maturity of > four years
- Diversified funding profile, with ≥ three funding sources
- Sufficient liquidity headroom to refinance short-term debt (including maturing bonds and private placements), finance committed pipeline, and to accommodate redemption requests (Redemption Available Cash) according to the terms and conditions
- Well-balanced maturity calendar with < 35% maturing in a single year
- Asset encumbrance of < 15%
Facts and figures
Below you will find the key figures of our portfolio as at 31 December 2023.
Overview of the debt
Contact us
For questions, please contact our Treasury department.

Frans Baas

Treasury Analist